Gabriel Crawford, MA, MDiv

Gabriel Crawford, MA, MDiv

Gabriel L.M. Crawford is a husband, a father of four wild red-haired children, and a licensed mental health counselor in the state of Washington. He is the founder of St. George Counseling, a faith-based clinic that enhances mental health care through physical fitness and the outdoors for combat veterans, service-members, first-responders, and the local Catholic and Christian community in Kitsap County. He is an armchair philosopher and theologian with a furious gratitude for the redemptive work of Jesus in his life and family. He loves kettlebells and olympic weightlifting, mountaineering, motorcycles, carpentry, light-roasted pour over coffee, sushi, pizza, and snow, sleet, and shine: maybe all these loves is his ADHD or, perhaps, he is just a passionate lover.

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Sara Kelly, MA

Sara Kelly, MA

Sara Kelly is a Mental Health Counselor Associate providing psychotherapy. Her formation predominantly draws upon the Allender Center, Theology of the Body Institute and the JPII Healing Institute. She is the founder of Helena House Therapy. Named after St. Faustina, Helena House seeks to be a therapeutic space that becomes a home where compassion is a lived reality. Foundational to Helena House therapy is a belief that no one is ever too broken or has done something that makes them unforgivable or unworthy of love.

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Kathryn Wessling, Ph.D.

Kathryn Wessling, Ph.D.

Dr. Kathryn Wessling is a behavioral scientist who works with individuals, married couples, educators, and organizational leaders to create a culture of healing, faithfulness, and relational joy through the integration of the Catholic faith with the science of human thriving. She facilitates story groups as well as groups desiring to improve in relational security. 

Kathryn and her husband, Frank, serve as leaders in Worldwide Marriage Encounter in Alabama and are certified marriage mentors with Prepare/Enrich. They also lead married couple story groups and attachment-style workshops dedicated to resolving conflict and healing underlying attachment wounds which are the source of many relational and emotional triggers.

As a researcher, she studies well-being, resilience, positive relationships, attachment styles, and virtue.

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