Catholic Story Groups

We are people of story. We read stories to our children as they lie down for bed or in the quite moments in the day. We delve deeply into novels and narratives lying in hammocks and beneath the cascading sun and beach crashing waves. We laugh and tell stories with friends and we weep in restricted silence as we remember as a narrative the unfolding moments lost in days of old that have been spent like falling leaves in autumn. The greatest story of all time is also the redemptive narrative of the ravishing love of God as perennially told in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Our lives are transformed as we draw our hearts ever closer to the very details of the story of Jesus in such a way that our lives are infused with His love.

If all of this is true, then why do we spend most of our lives avoiding, forgetting, and ignoring the details of our own story?

We fly over the nuance and particularity of our personal stories as Boeing jets soaring over the Atlantic; but, when we courageously feel our way into the very nooks of our experiences then we can finally move away from the cold curses bound in shame, contempt, and ambivalence and into the soothing blessing of wonderous beauty, delicious goodness, and delightful truth. We cannot engage our stories in such a redemptive way in solitude; rather, we must be visibly engaged with God and a community of persons where we are seen, known, and belong. 

Catholic Story Groups are uniquely cultivated environments for you to feel the finest details in your stories of harm as you bring these narratives out of dark and forgotten isolated corners and into a warm and tending community. All story workshops are facilitated by a trained professional in a group context and a seamless learning environment. Our story groups are deeply informed by our Catholic faith, so you can expect your experience to include inspiring prayer and adherence to the authentic Catholic Tradition. 

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